On-Site Courses

Yola Guz AIFD, CFD   &    Ruben Consa AIFD, PFCI

Join us for educational, creative and innovative on-site courses! Bellow our available courses and dates:

The Career of a Floral Designer has many benefits and can be very rewarding.  It is expected that a Professional Floral Designer be creative and at the cutting edge of new design trends. This profession requires the individual to work with natural, permanent and preserved flowers, incorporating foliage, branches and exotic accessories to create decorations for weddings, social events, interior decoration, corporate events and more. Professional services and creative Floral Designers are in demand due to increases in sales of flowers in general, the increasing population and economic growth and expansion. The opportunity is genuine and you can be part of this community of professionals, all you need is to be passionate about nature, art and style.  Also have passion and hunger to succeed.   The future in this industry could be working as a freelance designer, working for a floral company, working as wedding consultant and event coordinator or becoming an entrepreneur as an owner of a flower shop.  The pinnacle of excellence in the floral world is being recognized or certified by the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD) as a professional floral designer. Once approved and certified by AIFD you will be recognized as part of the elite floral designers of the world.

All of our couses below are provided on-site by our certified instructors Yola and Ruben. A deposit of $250 secures your spot in advance.

Christmas Designs Workshop

1 Complete day – 9 hours
Cost: $875.00
All materials are included

Learn how to create Innovative Christmas Wreaths, Center Pieces, Xmas Trees and much more.

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Basic level

This level will provide you with the basic knowledge and strong fundamentals that will enable you to acquire a solid foundation of Floral Design.

Total of 7 Classes – 21 Hours Total
Cost: $850.00 – Includes all materials

  • Introduction to the Principles and Elements of Design
  • Introduction to Care and Handling of Floral Products
  • Round Designs
  • Symmetrical & Asymmetrical Triangles
  • Table Center Piece – elongated
  • Roses Design
  • Pave Design
  • Techniques for working in water with foliage and flowers
  • Creative Design & Evaluation

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Intermediate Level

Total of 7 Classes – 21 hours total
Cost: $950.00
Includes all materials

  • Intermediate Level of Principles and Elements of Design
  • Intermediate Level of Care and Handling of Floral Products
  • Learn How to Charge for your work and present proposals
  • Wedding Bouquet
  • Body Flowers – Corsage and Boutonniere
  • Body Flowers – Head Piece (Flower Crowns)
  • Modern Linear Design
  • Foliage Design (manipulation of foliages)
  • European Hand Tied Bouquet
  • Creative Design & Evaluation

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Advanced 1 Level

Total of 7 Classes – 21 Hours Total
Cost: $1,050.00
All materials are included.

  • Advanced Level of Principles and Elements of Design and How to Apply them
  • Advanced Level of Care and Handling of Floral Products
  • Advanced Level on How to prepare and present a proposal for Social and Commercial Events including a complete concept of creative design
  • Wedding Bouquet – Couture
  • Events – Wedding Design Center Piece
  • Floral Sculpture – As an Art Floral Form
  • Orchid Plant Design Orchid Plant Designs
  • Innovative Event Concepts in water
  • Techniques on Weaving of Foliage and Palms
  • Final Assignment – Event Proposal and Presentation

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Advanced 2 Level

Total of 7 Classes –  21 Hours  Total
Cost: $1,200.00
All materials are included

  • Advanced level on how to market your learned skills and how to project yourself as a Professional Floral designer.
  • Advanced level on how to provide top notch customer service to your clients.
  • Ikebana & Sogetsu Design Concepts – Philosophy and its history
  • Victorian Design Concepts – Philosophy and its history
  • Events II – Structural Centerpieces
  • Structural Designs with foliage and flowers (Organic)
  • Permanent Botanical Designs (Silks)
  • Final Design Evaluation (Will include Historical theme designs)
  • Marketing Class – How to create a Floral Business with your learning skills.

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Accelerated Basic Level - Weekends

This level is for individuals who do not have time available to participate in our regular classes during week days.  Or because they live outside of Florida in a different State or in a different Country.  This Accelerated Basic Course is condensed into a two (2) full days of classes a total of 18 hours that run consecutively Saturday and Sunday.  Nine (9) hours on Saturday and Nine (9) hours on Sunday. 

In this Course you will be introduced to the Basic Theory of Principle and Elements of Design and the management and conditioning of floral products. Also, you will learn the execution and creative process of round designs, symmetrical, asymmetrical, centerpieces, dozen of roses designs and the European Pave style will be covered. This course will include a final evaluation of your work.

The quota of students is limited, we encourage you to register early with a deposit of $150. to reserve your space.

Total Cost $875.      Includes all materials

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Accelerated Intermediate Level

This level is for individuals who do not have time available to participate in our regular classes during weekdays.  Or because they live outside of Florida in a different State or in a different Country. This Accelerated Intermediate Course is condensed into a two (2) full days of classes a total of 18 hours that run consecutively Saturday and Sunday.  Nine (9) hours on Saturday and Nine (9) hours on Sunday.

Previous experience in Floral Design is REQUIRED. If the student did not approve our Basic Level Course either in person or online with our School an Evaluation of the individual’s skills and knowledge of theory is recommended.  Please contact the School to request an evaluation Tel. 305-504-1061, or by email rubenconsa@gmail.com. 

On this level you will cover the Intermediate level of Principles and Elements of Design and how to apply the learned theory in your Designs.  You will learn How much money to charge for your work.  Your program of study will also include Intermediate Wedding Bouquets, Body Flowers, Modern Linear Design, Organic Foliage Design and European Hand Tied Bouquets.

This course will include a final evaluation of your work.

The quota of students is limited, we encourage you to register early with a deposit of $150. to reserve your space.

Total Cost $895.      Includes all materials

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Accelerated Advanced 1 Level

This level is for individuals who do not have time available to participate in our regular classes during weekdays.  Or because they live outside of Florida in a different State or in a different Country.  This Accelerated Advanced Course is condensed into a two (2) full days of classes a total of 18 hours that run consecutively Saturday and Sunday. Nine (9) hours on Saturday  and Nine (9) hours on Sunday.

Previous experience in Floral Design is REQUIRED. If the student did not approve our BASIC LEVEL COURSE and or INTERMEDIATE COURSE, either in person or online with our School, an Evaluation of the individual’s skills and knowledge of theory is recommended.  Please contact the School to request an evaluation Tel. 305-504-1061. or by email rubenconsa@gmail.com 

On this level you will cover the advanced level of Principles and Elements of Design and how to apply the learned theory in your Designs.  Also, Advanced level of care and handling of fresh floral products.  You will learn how to prepare and present a proposal for Social Events and Corporate Accounts.  Your program of study will also include Wedding Bouquet (Couture), Contemporary Design, Wedding Centerpiece, Floral Sculpture and Orchid and Succulents Plants Design.  Marketing plans and strategies will be covered as well in order to provide the student with the necessary skills to succeed in today’s Industry.

This course will include a final evaluation of your work.

The quota of students is limited, we encourage you to register early with a deposit of $150. to reserve your space.

Total Cost $945.      Includes all materials

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Accelerated Advanced 2 Level

This level is for individuals who do not have time available to participate in our regular classes during weekdays. Or because they live outside of Florida in a different State or in a different Country. This Accelerated Advanced Course is condensed into a two (2) full days of classes a total of 18 hours that run consecutively Saturday and Sunday. Nine (9) hours on Saturday and Nine (9) hours on Sunday.

Previous experience in Floral Design is REQUIRED. If the student did not approve our BASIC LEVEL COURSE and or our INTERMEDIATE COURSE,  and our ADVANCED 1 COURSE either in person or online with our School, an Evaluation of the individual’s skills and knowledge of theory is recommended. Please contact the School to request an evaluation Tel. 305-504-1061 or by email rubenconsa@gmail.com 

On this level you will cover the advanced level on how to market your learned skills and how to project yourself as a Professional Floral Designer. Also the advanced level on how to consult a Bride and how to nail her contract. In addition you will learn how to provide top notch customer service to your clients.                                                                   

The following topics will be covered as well…

Ikebana and Sogetsu Design Concepts – The Philosophy and its history

Victorian Design Concepts – The Philosophy and its history

Events ll – Center Pieces

Structural Designs with foliage and Flowers                               

Permanent Botanical Designs (Silks)

Final Design Evaluation (Will include theme designs)

This course will include a final evaluation of your work.

The quota of students is limited, we encourage you to register early with a deposit of $150 to reserve your space.

Total Cost $1,100.00      

Includes all materials

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Certification of Wedding and Events Planning

Lovegevity Instructor: Martha P. Garcia CWEP

School Day: Every Monday (Once a week) except Holidays

Hours: 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM

Duration: 3 Months


Access to the Online Student Center (For the duration of the Course)

Course Book in Spanish

Final Exam – Requirement for Certification (LWPI)

Internship Opportunities

After graduation, you will receive your certification with your Title of Wedding and Event Planner (CWP)

Total Cost: $ 1,899.00 50% Deposit for Registration Final Payment: 30 Days after registration

For your convenience we offer financing program


  1. General Description of the Events Industry
  2. The Commitment
  3. Your responsibilities as an event organizer
  4. How to manage your Company
  5. Documentation and Goals
  6. Suppliers and the selection of the place where the event will be
  7. Negotiation of contracts and proposals
  8. The traditional wedding and event organizer
  9. Wedding Cultures and Traditions
  10. Traditional and Contemporary Ceremonies
  11. The Bride’s Dress
  12. Music and entertainment for the Event
  13. Weddings and Custom Events
  14. Marketing your Company
  15. How to market your Company locally
  16. Expo Weddings and Events Fairs
  17. Online Marketing
  18. Public Relations
  19. Destination Weddings and Events
  20. Expanding your Services, Flowers, Lines, invitations and others
  21. Certification of Weddings and Events
  22. Relationship education for couples
  23. Philanthropy and Questionnaires
  24. Quizzes
  25. Final Exam

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Requirements that must be taken into account to facilitate their training: Student must have general knowledge of the following: Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint and / or Google Docs They need to have access to a computer / laptop or tablet and access to the Internet. The course is compatible with Google Chrome, FireFox, Internet Explorer & Safari 

Wedding and Bridal Workshop

Join a three-day advanced Bridal Workshop with Yola Guz…

Learn Yola’s approach and philosophy in styling Cascading Bouquets and trendy European style bouquets using the latest accessories and techniques. 

Previous experience with basic wire techniques is recommended for this advanced class.  Learn to consult brides and land their wedding contracts. Elevate your image and increase revenue with your signature Bouquets. Create Cascading Bouquets to enhance the bride and her gown. Blend the ideal flowers, foliage and accessories. Learn to create trendy organic bouquets using organic materials and flowers. Work with Bouquet holders, wires, accessories and fabrics.

Total Cost:  $1,100.00            

All materials are included

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Funeral Tributes Workshop

(Two sessions per year)

Learn the fundamentals and Techniques required to create beautiful Funeral Designs.

Learn how to make all types of Shapes and Symbols for Funeral Work, including Crosses, Bleeding Hearts, Wreaths and Casket Sprays.

Learn that when done properly this segment of the industry can be very beneficial creating for you a healthy financial return.

Learn the protocol about funeral work and the secrets in working with the different cultural aspects and religious denominations.

It’s a very sad experience to lose a loved one or a dear friend.  Talk to your clients about the soothing effect that the flowers will provide for everyone.

Learn how to make a profit doing Floral Funeral Tributes.

Examples of Floral Tributes for Cremation Ceremonies.

Master the art of working with Funeral Directors creating continued business for you.

Total Cost:  $950.00           

All Materials are included

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CFD-AIFD Training and Certification

The School provides preparatory training and certification to become an accredited AIFD member. We assist you in preparing you to take and pass the licensing and evaluation test of the prestigious American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD). Our school is certified by the Institute to offer these courses and to assist you in becoming part of the privileged group of elite floral designers of the world.

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Private Classes with YOLA & RUBEN

This Course will enable you to study privately with Yola & Ruben one on one in order to maximize your learning experience.  The Course can be tailored according to your specific needs or level of Floral Design knowledge.  If your goal is to be employed in the Floral industry or start your own business this course will train you in a shorter period of time.

The Course can also be helpful for individuals that are already Floral Designers or own their Business and are looking to get to the next level of creative excellence.

The option of doing long distance learning with today’s technology,
ZOOM for private and webinars for larger audiences is also available.

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Marketing Consultant Services

Becoming a leader and acquiring a strong presence in today’s Floral Industry should not be a dream anymore if you have a complete and comprehensive marketing plan.  Whether you want to have a retail business working out of a production facility or a store front or even from your home we can assist you in finding a path of high productivity and success.  Even if you already have an established business and are struggling to make ends meet, we can help you as well.  There are various specific marketing strategies that you need to follow in order to be successful in the uncertain business climate that we are now experiencing.

Our background and expertise in the industry will show you the path to success without having to commit a huge investment.  It does not matter how big or small your business concept we can help you become a success story.

Our extensive experience as International Designers, Educators, owners of Flowers Shops, owners of the Yola Guz School of Floral Design, both Social and Educational Event Planners and Marketing Consultants give us a unique formula that we would like to share with you.   It is not only about creating beautiful and attractive floral designs; the recipe needs to include a solid marketing plan that only experts like ourselves can provide you with.  Call us for a free consultation. 

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How to create a strong Internet Marketing Presence for Florist

This course will provide an overview of how Google and review sites work and how to ensure that your online strategy is designed to take your business to the next level and make you more productive and profitable.

Total of 9 HOURS of workshop

Cost: $299.00

Learn why increased SEO = increased profits

Learn how search engines prioritize and categorize your website’s content and what to do about it

Why is having a good website important?

What can a website do for your business?

Learn what you need to have on your website to make sure you rank on Google

Do I need social media? How does it work?

Learn how to choose the right company to help you boost your business online.

Is my SEO company doing what I pay them for? Learn how to distinguish The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

What do I do if I get a bad review online?

How can I get more customers to review my company positively without annoying them in the process?

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Permanent Botanicals Workshop

Total Cost:  $695.00

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Floral Courses for "Housewives

Total Cost:  $650.00

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Apply for Financing

Take charge of your Floral Career and have the freedom of taking as many courses as you want!